Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Yesterday I had my first surgery...I had my port installed on the right side of my chest, and lymph nodes removed on my right.  The port is put in to receive the chemotherapy infusions.   I'm heavily bandaged on both sides, and can't shower until tomorrow because I can't get the dressings wet,  I'm still a little weak and tired, but am happy to be home.

There are so many different people who work in a hospital setting!  And it seems that every person who helped me yesterday was so friendly and introduced themselves and mentioned how long they had been working their job.  Maybe it's a requirement for their job?  I don't know, but I liked it.  Even one of the transporters who took me and my bed to nuclear medicine mentioned this was her very first day,..however the girl who was with her assured me that it wasn't HER first day, so I shouldn't be concerned...

Nuclear medicine was a real treat.  Have you ever had a shot?  In the arm?  The rear end?  I've even had shots in my foot...but this was by far the worst...2 shots right into my breast.  With  no numbing medicine.  It hurt really bad!  Then I had to lay on a table while they took a picture that lasted for 5 minutes.  Then I went back to pre- op and waited to be taken to surgery.

My surgeon was running late, and my anesthesiologist ended  leaving, and another doctor took over for him.  I let them know how I get nauseous after surgery, so they gave me a patch behind my ear, and 2 kinds of intravenous drugs to help prevent it...so I was a little surprised to wake up and still feel like I wanted to throw up.  They wouldn't let me go home until I didn't feel sick any more, and it took a few hours before the nausea subsided.

I won't get pathology reports until Thursday or Friday...of course, it is a holiday weekend, so I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be next week for definitive results.  My surgeon told my family my choice of starting chemo first is probably the best decision, because my lymph nodes looked very suspicious...that was the same phrasing used by the doctor who did my biopsy, so I won't be surprised if I'm told it is in my lymph.  Right now I'm just vegging out, taking it easy, and living each day one day at a time.  I'm doing ok.