Saturday, June 28, 2014

I think I mentioned earlier how great my family doctor is, and how I always feel like she has all the time in the world for me.  Picture this: it's 8:30 on a Saturday night, and my phone rings.  My caller I.D. has my doctor's last name on it...."Hello, Dr. Legere.  What are you doing working on a Saturday night?"  She called me at home...from her own home...on a weekend night...just to see how I was doing.  I wonder how many doctors have that kind of relationship with their patients?  Where they care about them as a person, and are truly concerned for their emotional well being.  She wanted to make sure I liked my oncologist, surgeon, and was holding up ok.  She wanted to make sure I had enough Xanax to get me through this ordeal... She is truly a great person, and I feel very lucky she is my doctor.

This morning Steve and I went for a bike ride.  I rode 14 miles, and am totally feeling every mile right now.  Normally, I'd take a couple of ibuprofen to deal with the muscle aches, but I can't have any because of my surgery on Monday.  We had a great morning on our biikes, and every time I do something "normal," I feel more normal.  Like going out for dinner last night.  Or running the vacuum cleaner.  Or washing my car.  Or going to the grocery store.  Maybe that is the key to getting through this whole situation...try to continue on like everything is normal.

I guess support can come in many ways... I've witnessed it on Facebook.  With phone calls and hugs from friends.  With a visit from my mother in law yesterday morning.  With a good natured argument with my father last night that turned to laughter, and my mom said something like "There's the Kim  we know!"  And right this minute Drake is watching Twilight: Breaking Dawn with me...I think he senses I'd like his company.  Earlier this evening he read my blogs, looked at my Facebook page, and we had a really nice talk.  Normal for Drake has been baseball...he plays on 3 teams, and plays almost every day.  He also works a few nights a week as a waiter at the China House, and stays busy with friends.  Steve thinks staying busy has kept Drake's mind occupied... I agree, staying busy can be good.  But today, I just wanted to veg out for a little bit, lay on the couch,, and watch movies.  They can be a nice distraction, too.

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