Wednesday, July 30, 2014

So yesterday I got it in my head that I need a new mattress set,  I think it was after my second chemo treatment was over, and we were riding back home, and the memories came back of those two days, during the worst of my first treatment's effects, and I just couldn't get comfortable, any which way I tried to lay in my bed.  I told Steve we needed a new mattress.  He thought about it for a little less than 3 seconds, and I could tell by the look in his eyes he was ok, he just didn't want to go do the actual shopping for it.  "Oh, no," I told him.  " We have to go together.  There's this entire thing now where they have a machine bed that analyzes your sleeping positions, and steers you in the right direction.  We have to go together."  And away we went.

After my first chemo treatment two weeks ago, I wandered around the new Vermeulen's we headed to Art Van, my go-to shop.  Courteous, nice display, plus...I have a credit card...can't beat all of that.  Ok, so we each took a turn lying on the digital bed, and learned that on a scale of 1-3, 3 being firm and 1 being soft, Steve was on the higher end of firm, and I was still still a 3, but closer to a 2. Ok, no worries, we'd find something we both could live with.

Our sales lady was amazing, no pressure, giving us our own pillows to carry around, and making us lay on our sides to check our spinal alignment.  I told her I was going through chemotherapy and had various times where I had a lot of body aches and had trouble getting comfortable.  She was sympathetic, but not nosy, and I appreciated that.

The first Goldie Locks...was " too hard."  But that second bed...oh my... It felt just right.  My eyes started to close and I felt a nap overcoming me.  At that point, she handed us a remote control.  WTH?  A remote control?  Oh yes, this, and any bed on the floor if not already a power bed, can be made into a power bed by adding the power platform.  And, none of the beds have to be flipped.  Anymore,  Apparently, a lot has changed in bed making since we bought our set about 12 years ago.  Very interesting.  I woke from my little wanna-be nap and grabbed that remote.  Words like "zero gravity," "head," "foot," and even "massage."  Ooohhhhh.  I likey!  We played around, and decided to try a few other beds.  The next one was too hard.  Another, too soft.  I liked it, but Steve was dying with a big lump between us.  Then I saw a clearance felt amazing, but I was reminded it comes as-is, with no warranty.  And a typical warranty?  10-15 years, depending on brand.  Ok, scratch that.  I'm a warranty girl, anyone who knows me will vouch for that.  I distinctly remember getting our current mattress replaced after about a year because it had sagged.  Not gonna spend this kind of cash and be s.o.l.  Well, Steve?  "I just want you to get the bed you want.  I want you to be comfortable while you're going through this."  Isn't he an amazing husband?  After trying two to three more beds, we kept going back to our original Sinead O'Connor once sang..."Nothing youuuu!"  And she was right.  We were able to save a little money by getting a variation of the power bed...we didn't get the full bells and whistles, but are able to elevate the head and feet.  There is actually a setting called "snore," which elevates the head slightly and is supposed to help with that....Steve, if you feel your head going up in the night...well, at least I'm not hitting you, right? ;). The new bed arrives tomorrow.  I also bought a second bed for our old mattresses, to have a guest room in an empty bedroom upstairs.  I've wanted to do that for a long while.

I guess I have energy after a treatment.  I'm hungry, and am ok to shop.  I feel good this morning, too.  I'm pretty sure it's after the neulasta shot this afternoon when my energy takes a dive.  I actually lost about 7 pounds my first week after my first treatment, but gained back about 4 when I started feeling good again.  I wonder if that's to be a pattern, too?  This week will be very telling to me.  I'm curious if I'll have as hard of a time, or if my body will be adjusted a little better.  Please keep good thoughts for me as this week wears on...and I'm pretty sure this will be the last week of my newly cut short hair.  The daily loss is getting to me, it's stressful, and I'm about ready to take care of that stress with a pair of scissors.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kim, didn't know you were just a novelist! Love re-living your days with you! We all appreciate you sharing with us. I'm sure it makes it easier on you, as you don't have to keep repeating the same story when someone calls or comes over, but we can go on w/ a normal conversation with you! You stay strong and Sleep Well!! Hugs!
