Wednesday, July 16, 2014

This is actually a continuation of my last post...I had trouble saving it, and the last part got cut off.  Maybe it was telling me I wrote too much? ;). Anyway....

Planning has been a blessing for me.  Planning for step 2b, which will be the second round of my chemo drugs, which I start after going back to school in September, has been on my mind.  They are weekly, and supposedly, easier to manage.  I'm in the hardest round, right now.  However, I'm told the fatigue kind of gets more pronounced at that time.  So I'm trying to make a schedule for back to school- one that's best for me, my kids, and my coworkers.  It's only for 12 weeks...up until Thanksgiving.  Then I will get to step 3... My surgery.  Then, step 4...radiation...hopefully I will be done before spring break.  We teachers always say our years aren't dictated by January to December, but by August to June, with marking periods and those wonderful breaks thrown in for good measure. Likewise, this ordeal began for me on my first day of summer vacation, and I'm looking forward to chemo' send by thanksgiving, Christmas vacation, and hopefully, the end of all things in this planned course of attack...spring break.  I have my condo booked, and haven't yet purchased the insurance for cancellation...I've gotta have faith that I'll be in Daytona Beach, playing in the ocean and laying in the sun, celebrating my victory.


  1. So very proud of you.....feel the love!

  2. So amazed by you I can't even begin to tell you. My friend who I asked to pray for you said her prayer group prayed for you on Sunday and will do so for you every week. Eighteen more people sending love and prayers your way.

  3. Thank you both. Mom- glad the comments are working now. Anna...thanks for the continued support.

  4. Time to focus on you. You know your co-workers will help out in any way they can and your students can learn to think beyond themselves and hopefully gain some empathy. Lessons come in many kinds of forms. Your strength and courage is one they'll learn from you and hopefully giving of themselves as well. Karen
