Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Yesterday I decided to take charge of something...I went wig shopping and purchased probably my first of many head coverings.  There is a store in the Jackson crossing, and to be honest, it looks pretty "urban," but I had noticed the rows of heads and wigs in the back of the store and had filed that away on the back of my mind.  I worked with an 18 year old girl who just finished her first year at GVSU, and she was very sweet.  In one wig, when I said " I feel like when I enter a room, everyone will point at me and say, that girl is wearing a wig!"   "Her response was, "or they'll say that girl looks hot!"  Gotta love her for that...

After putting on a wig cover, which looks a lot like a cut off nylon, I tried on probably 15 different wigs.  I'd been shopping online and learned there are many differences in wigs and can get one for $16.99,  a "good" one is in the $200 range, and there are wigs for as much as 2 grand!  Some felt absolutely costumey (probably not a word, but that's how I felt), others looked like a little old lady, still others looked like they were made for a 16 year old girl.  I did buy one...the best I can say is, I didn't hate it, isn't that a recommendation? 😳at last, it felt like I was doing something proactive, instead of having things being done TO me.  It was a small sense of accomplishment...I'm sure I will hate wearing a wig, but it's got to be better than being bald.

Two of my girlfriends have agreed to go wig shopping with me, and one of them even has a wig she bought just for fun and is insisting that I take it...she wore it on the town in Vegas and had a great experience in that wig.  I feel the love coming from her as she tells me how perfect it will look on me....OMG!   I'm gonna be bald soon....but on the positive side, I learned today at the oncologist's office that though my first round of chemo will take my hair, within 3 weeks, my second round, the last 12 weeks, does not cause hair loss, and I may start to regrow my hair DURING that time period....I will get my hair back 3 months sooner than I thought!  More tomorrow about my visit with the oncologist...


  1. Kim I just found out about your blog, I will be thinking of you and following it this summer along with sending many prayers your way. Stay strong and keep that positive attitude!

    1. Thank you Mary Jo...I'll take all of the prayers I can get!

  2. Kim, our thoughts and prayers are with you now and will be every step of the way. You ARE a warrior and will beat the crap out of this thing, looking as gorgeous as always - bald or not! We love you, Anna and Eugene.

    1. Well, it goes without saying I love you both too. Eugene is one of my oldest friends, and you are both very special to me...
