Thursday, September 4, 2014

This week I'm grateful to be back to work, even if it is on a modified day.  The effects of last Tuesday's chemo treatment hit me this weekend, especially Sunday and Monday, but I knew I had to get up Tuesday and put on a brave face.  I got up extra early, even though technically I have less to do to get ready, mainly my's a good thing I planned it like that.  Shower...lay on the bed.  Get dressed...lay on the bed.  Then, I made the mistake of taking some of my meds without eating first, and got sick to my stomach...not a great way to start the new school year.  Somehow, I made it.

Anyone who has looked at my Facebook page may have noticed that one of my students, Luke, shaved his head in honor of me.  He is the brother of Amber, another student (graduate) that I've written about, and he and his family have been so supportive of me and what I've been going through.  I saw Luke Tuesday morning and gave him a hug...he told some kids that he did it for was a pretty humbling moment, and I think a lot of the other students thought that was a pretty worthy thing that he had done.  I joked in front of the kids that "that's what my head looks like."   I just want to be up front with the kids and let them know that I AM wearing a wig.  I DO have cancer.  I AM undergoing chemo treatments...even will have them on days that I teach.  But I also want them to know that I'm going to get through this, and I'm there in the morning, because I care about them.  And please, don't mind the special bathroom stall with my name one it, with a big fat sign that I made saying "kids- do not use!  Mrs. Csage only!"  I can't believe no one has asked me about that.  By the way, after a chemo treatment, you excrete the chemotherapy for up to 48 hours afterwards, so it's just a precaution for the kids.  Our secretary and custodian decorated the inside of my stall... A shelf installed, floral arrangement and wipes...hilarious!  Anything to bring a little cheer...even into the ladies' restroom 😊

I keep getting crazy gifts...crazy in a good way.  My mom and dad bought me a Pandora bracelet to celebrate the end of the A/C, with a good luck charm on ot.  I love it.  A high school friend of my husband, also a breast cancer survivor, sent us a huge gift certificate to a local restaurant, with a knowing note about not feeling up to cooking when going back to work.  Steve and I just looked at each was our first day back last week, before kids, and realized neither one of us had gotten something out for that evening...we used that gift card that was like some kind of sign for us to do that.  My Aunt Susie brought me some meals over yesterday, knowing that when school started was awesome.  And today at work, a 2014 graduate and his mom, Dawn, who I just adore, sent me two for me, and one for my mom, at a beauty shop up the road from my house.  I was so blown away with the thoughtfulness of everyone mentioned above.  But one more thing:
Last week we had an open hope for back to school.  And waiting for me, in my classroom, was a giant bouquet of yellow balloons, a yellow flower (keeping the sunshine going, says Sabrena), and a huge card with personalized messages from all of our returning students, to me, as they came in to enroll for this upcoming school year.  Probably the most amazing note was from a graduate who apologized to me, said she regretted that she wasn't nicer to me last year, found me on Facebook, and apologized AGAIN!   People ask me, all of the time, how I can do what I do for a living, with teenagers who can be explosive and rude, sometimes even's because of moments like that.  When you see someone take ownership of a past wrong, and do everything in their power to make it right, it's totally worth it.  I never think a kid is truly bad, just their actions...and we can all change and want to be better people.  If it takes someone's teacher being diagnosed with cancer to make them think that maybe they better set something right?  Then, Why not?

Today I came home and crashed...could barely make the drive home from school without falling asleep.  I think it's because I pushed myself yesterday, insisted on teaching almost the whole day, just to make sure the kids got off on the right track.  I think this marking period will go a lot smoother with my sub, Clive, and he is super dependable, and the kids really like him.  However.... I just want to make sure my afternoon kids are getting the same kind of education as my morning kids...but, it is only for six weeks...hopefully, after my first few Taxol treatments, I'll get into a rhythm with my body and symptoms...hopefully, less than the A/C...but only time will tell.  Happy back to school, everyone!

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