Sunday, November 9, 2014

After being locked out of my blog for about two weeks...very frustrating...I finally figured out how to get back in.  Technology is certainly amazing, but also very trying and upsetting.  I've had good news to share, and have been unable to, until, here it is.  My MRI results were given to me last Tuesday when I went for my chemo treatment.  My main tumor...when it started, I believe it was 2.8 cm in size...has shrunk so much, there is just a little liquid doctor"s exact words were, "so basically, it's gone!"  My other tumor, located in the axillary tail of my lymph nodes, was unable to be viewed by the MRI machine, as it was too high for the machine to reach.  But it was only like maybe 1 cm big, and I'm hopeful that it has shrunk, too...or even disappeared as well.

This is why I had the chemo have a smaller surgery at the end.  My surgery is planned sometime surgeon is getting the MRI results, and I'm sure I'll have something more definite set up soon.  Please keep good thoughts that I'm able to have a lumpectomy and not a full mastectomy, as that is my goal.  Smaller surgery...smaller recovery time...let's get this show over with!

I've been struggling with the notion of genetic testing, being tested for the brca 1 and brca 2 genes.  They are known as the "cancer" genes.  It is a two part process...the first part is genetic counseling, where they evaluate your risk...the second part is actually the test itself, which is sent to a lab in California and results are given if you have the mutation or not.  I weighed all the pros and cons, and decided to have the counseling.  It's not cheap, and insurance only pays a little bit of it.  My out of pocket cost is about $400.  My appointment was two days ago, Friday, at 4:30.  The entire phone call lasted about 45 minutes.  I learned that every person has 2 genes, one from their mom, and one from their dad.  We all carry the cancer genes, but only if it mutates does it become a risk.  Less that one % of the population has the mutation, and after doing my family history, I've learned I have a 10.5%~13% chance of carrying the mutation.  I don't feel comfortable with the possibility of having a double mastectomy in about a month, and hysterectomy soon after, on that percentage, so my plan is to continue on course and possibly next summer having the actual test to see if I have the mutation.  Let's look at to this way...there is an 87-89.5 % chance that I DON'T have it.  I can live with that for now.

I only have three taxol treatments left.  Changing to the abraxane has greatly reduced neuropathy in my hands and feet, and that was the goal, but I've had different side effects with this last chemo drug. Mouth sores (again,,,had them with the a/c), extreme fatigue on Friday and Saturday, nausea over the weekend (but it goes away with the nausea pills), dry mouth, dry skin, a metallic taste in my mouth that comes and goes, a dry, bloody nose, stuffy nose etc...but, other than that, I just keep telling myself...all of that is temporary, I can get through that...neuropathy is something you can be stuck with for LIFE!

On a positive note, I got new hair this week.  Elegante studio in Lansing is amazing.  And my mom won't believe this, but I was told how nice it was to work with me because...get this... "I'm not picky!"  Ha!  Do they KNOW me?  I'm about the pickiest person in the world!  However, this time, I knew what I wanted, so it was easy to point to the styles I wanted to try.  It went like this:  "yep, I love it, put it in the "get" pile.  I kind of like it, let's put it in the "maybe" pile."  I thought I wanted a bob, which I loved from the front, but not the back...too short, feels like they ride up anyway, so those didn't work.  5 more in the "get" pile, one more in the "maybe" pile, and only 2 or 3 in the "no" pile.  It was a ton of fun...I was getting sick of wearing the same two wigs every day, and now I have some variety.  I've learned you have to take your joys during cancer any place you can get it.  And who doesn't enjoy a fresh new look every once in a while?

Thanks for sticking around and reading these blogs.  I appreciate your support. 😊

1 comment:

  1. Amidst the treatments you’ve been having, you were able to appreciate the positive things that happen in your life. Thanks to your new hair, you’ll be able to enjoy a fresh look from time to time. I can only imagine how hard it was for you to choose among the wigs presented to you, yet I’m glad to see that you knew what would suit your taste and personality. Get well soon, Kim!

    Glenn Lowe @ Knight and Sanders
